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Digitally Accelerating Carlsberg Excellence

How We Helped

Carlsberg accelerates and secures frontline adoption of global continuous improvement program with connected workers

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The Problem

Accelerating The Roll Out of Carlsberg Excellence

In order to accelerate the roll out of their global continuous improvement program, called Carlsberg Excellence, Carlsberg realised they needed a new, digital approach to the way standard work processes get delivered and executed on the shop floor. This approach would promote operator autonomy and capability building through easier access to information at the point of action.

To achieve this, a new approach to shop floor digitisation was also required. One that would accelerate the transition to a paperless operation based upon flexible, no code solutions created with user participation and strong integration to legacy systems.

A Single Pane of Glass For Shop Floor Teams

To accelerate their transformation goals, Carlsberg selected Zaptic’s connected worker platform to provide a single pane of glass for frontline teams across a wide range of work processes, including but not limited to; clean inspect and lubrication checks and work instruction, defect tagging, quality checks, hygiene audit, changeovers and related daily direction setting boards. 

For operators, Zaptic provides a single point of guidance, data capture and communication:
“What you want is to digitally enable operators to be autonomous. With digitalisation with Zaptic, we are making accelerated steps towards that because they can easily raise and manage problems, and execute activities on the shop floor which before was cumbersome with paper and escalation methods that were not that easy.” – Carlos Zaramello, Senior Director, Continuous Improvement – Carlsberg Excellence  

For frontline leaders, Zaptic provides a real-time visibility on daily performance to support better decision making and action tracking.

Stéphane Piard, Process Engineer: “ Zaptic saves me a lot of time because it’s easier to identify issues via the reporting dashboards, and to take action immediately, without any paperwork.”

Cédric Meyer, Global Excellence Senior Manager, explains: “Many of our sites have seen a very good improvement in our CIL completion rate. It’s due to the fact that with pen and paper, it’s very difficult to have real-time rates as you capture it on paper and then transfer it to an excel spreadsheet in order to calculate your CIL completion rate. Now, with Zaptic it’s something we have real time.”


The Results

Speed: At first glance, perhaps the most apparent result has been the speed of roll out and adoption by sites. In the first 12 months, Zaptic has been successfully deployed to packaging lines at 15 breweries, across 10 countries and languages.
Within the plants, accelerated adoption of work processes is driving measurable improvements across efficiency, quality and safety.

Carlos explains that:
Efficiency: “Today, an operator in the line knows exactly what he needs to do at this machine, at this time.” Zaptic enables the operators to do what they need to do and by doing what they need to do, we drive Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Improvement.

Safety: “Zaptic has enabled operators to easily highlight unsafe conditions and implement resolutions faster. We have seen improved hazard closure rates, reducing possibilities of accidents.

Quality:“We see a huge improvement in the way we run our quality checks, our hygiene checks on the lines after implementing Zaptic, frequently resulting in 10 to15 points of compliance higher.”

"What is really important to us is that the system is intuitive. With Zaptic, It’s intuitive and it requires less time to train thousands of operators and it gives them the opportunity to execute their job autonomously using the tablet to perform their work properly."

When asked about the key drivers of success for the project, Cedric pointed out “two unique aspects of the Zaptic platform": Ease of use for the operator, and the power of Zaptic's no code workflow authoring capability.
“I am not an IT person, I have no clue what a code is and what is very good with this ‘no code approach’ is that a person like me can digitalise in an easy way with the drag and drop functionality all that I need."

The Results


Faster To Onboard New Employees
Faster To Onboard New Employees


Improvement To Autonomous Maintenance
Improvement To Autonomous Maintenance


More Output Per Employee
More Output Per Employee